Top Organic Certifications because quality, Taste and health Matter

We rigorously adhere to sustainable practices and organic principles and accompanying regulations.

We are certified organic as per BCS Organic Production Standard equivalent to Article 29(1) of Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 and of Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008 accredited by Dakks as well as according to Saudi Organic Agriculture Law and by-laws.   

We are also proud members of the Saudi Organic Farming Association (SOFA) and a recognized member of the National Center for Palms and Dates. 

View Our Certificates


What is Organic?

The essence of Organic farming is sustainability necessitating a focus on building healthy soils and minimization of adverse environmental impacts. This involves practices that revolves around enhancing the natural attributes of the environment while avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

But organic is not just that. It is a holistic way of life that conveys a commitment to life in harmony with one’s environment and a commitment to providing healthy and delicious food. Organic practices are the foundation for preserving precious natural resources, ecosystems and biodiversity, and contributing to a sustainable future for the planet.

Fertile soil, abundant agriculture, nutrient rich food – it’s simply what motivate and inspire organic producers.


Why Buy Organic

Here’s why we believe in supporting organic and natural whole foods:

People simply don’t want residues from chemical fertilizers or sprays used in the growing process to be in the foods they eat and serve to their loved ones. This is not to say that non-organic products are all suspect in this matter.

But with Organic you are assured of that. But there are other reasons it makes sense to go organic, whether you’re growing your own produce, buying ingredients and products to cook with at home, or enjoying a meal out.

Because organic farmers grow food in good quality soil, and avoid things like synthetic sprays, fertilizers and hormones during production, the food they produce is nutrient rich and bursting with natural flavor.

Enjoy The Goodness of Organic


We only sell what we produce from our own farm. 

At Aldka, we work hard to ensure every process on our farm meets Saudi and European organic standards and meets the expectations of our consumers. The prestigious accolades we have achieved required years of dedication and meticulous attention to detail, meaning we can guarantee that every date you buy is 100% natural and organic.

The Kiwa BCS regulation requires that organic standards are established at every stage of production, preparation and distribution, before being evaluated by an accreditation body that is approved by the EU Commission. 

The Saudi Organic Agriculture Law is overseen by the Saudi Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture and dictates the substances and procedures required to issue organic product labels in the country.



Commercial Partnerships

With Aldka, you know exactly where your dates come from and how they were grown, processed and packaged. We welcome commercial partners to collaborate with us with flexible solutions that suit your business needs.